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Managed IT Services
Managed IT Services

5 Things You Should Know About Managed IT Services

If you’re going to properly manage your growing business, you have to pay attention to your technology.

94% of small businesses report that technology helps with day-to-day efficiency. No matter what sector you operate in, you’re going to be dealing with computers and data. Having IT professionals backing you up is the best way to navigate these things.

Many large companies opt for in-house IT departments, but that’s not necessarily the most sensible move for all small businesses. Managed IT services are often the more frugal and effective option for businesses that don’t need or can’t budget for full-time IT.

In this post, we’re going to tell you some of the things you should know about managed services before hiring one. Keep reading and you’ll see that effective IT management can be outsourced.

1. Managed IT Services Saves You Time

One of the biggest perks of hiring managed IT services is that it saves your business time, thus boosting efficiency and productivity. Because you can customize your services, you can either have someone on-site most of the time or reach out to customer support when you need their help.

However you structure your IT services, you’ll experience less downtime when technology problems arise. When employees don’t have to troubleshoot their own IT issues, they can stay productive at work, which boosts morale and keeps the company running efficiently.

Another way that managed IT can save you time is through automation. An IT expert can perform an audit on your current tech situation and figure out how to make your workflow more effective. Automating tasks that are normally done manually can save your employees’ hours per month.

2. Managed Services Keeps Your Technology and Network Safe

Did you know that there’s a cyber attack every 39 seconds in America? If you’re not protecting yourself with strong cybersecurity measures, you’re at risk of losing data and having your system hacked. This can cost a business thousands in lost customers and downtime.

Without a knowledgeable IT professional helping you set up your security, you’re always going to be left vulnerable. You need to think about everything from application security to information security, disaster recovery planning, and everything in between.

If it sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. Managed IT services will look at your current setup, quickly find your vulnerabilities, and take the steps to rectify them.

Beyond automating your security measures, a good IT company will give you 24/7 security monitoring. As soon as a cyber attack is committed, they’ll be able to catch it because they’re always looking.

Education is at the heart of cybersecurity. Most security breaches occur due to human error, which often comes down to neglect. Your managed IT services can educate your employees on how to navigate your system and network in a secure way.

3. IT Management Saves You Money

Many growing small businesses hit a point where their technological needs outgrow what they have. This leads some to consider hiring one or more full-time IT professionals to work on-site, but this isn’t always the most frugal move. The average IT person makes around $90,000 in America.

When you really look at your IT needs, do they necessitate a new department or another full-time staff member? Most of the time, managed services can handle everything that an IT department would otherwise do, and you’ll only pay for what you need.

Included in the cost of managed services are all of the equipment and software to revolutionize your business. If you hired a full-time staff member, you’d still have to purchase all of the necessary equipment for them to do the job.

All of this, combined with the boost in productivity and reduced downtime, is going to save you a lot of money in the end.

4. IT Support Services Keep You Relevant

Staying relevant in a competitive marketplace is never easy. If you don’t have the latest technology working for you, your competitors are always going to get a leg up.

The technological landscape is constantly evolving. It’s easy to fall behind if you don’t have your ear to the ground. As a business owner, however, you don’t really have the time to keep an eye on the latest and greatest technology.

Fortunately, this is an important aspect of what an IT provider brings to the table. These dedicated and passionate professionals will keep you in the know about what new software and tech might help your business grow. They’ll also have the knowledge to implement these things.

Managed IT services will ensure that you’re always on the cutting edge. No more outdated technology, no more wondering why your competitors are so far ahead, and no more fixing tech that doesn’t work.

5. IT Can Be Customized

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to IT. When you hire an excellent managed IT company, they’re going to work collaboratively with you to give you tech and software that fits your needs.

Each business we work with can choose which of our services they need. A free consultation with one of our professionals will give us a better idea of the challenges you’ve been facing. From there, we’ll help you determine what you need to improve and how to do it.

Our customized infrastructure management takes all of your objectives and requirements into consideration. As your company develops, so will your technological needs, so we help create solutions that help satisfy your needs and accomplish your objectives.

Get the Best Managed IT Services in Los Angeles

Now that you’ve got a better understanding of what managed IT services really bring to the table, it’s time to tell you about the most reliable managed services in LA. We Solve Problems allows you to outsource IT to knowledgeable professionals that have your growth in mind.

To learn more about our services, from cybersecurity to server support, contact us today, and we’ll give you a free consultation and quote for your IT needs.

cybersecurity risks for small businesses should be addressed

6 Cybersecurity Risks for Small Companies

All small businesses are going to face some cybersecurity risks. Hackers often target small companies due to a lack of cybersecurity protocols, which can be impacted by budgetary restraints. This increased threat profile is one of the main reasons small businesses need to be prepared. In addition, it is crucial to understand why the company is vulnerable if there is a security breach.

If you run a small business, creating plans and increasing security is vital to help decrease the chance of security breaches. However, the first step to making these plans is knowing what cybersecurity risks currently threaten your small business.

Top Cybersecurity Risks

Risks vary from company to company, and specific industries may need more robust cybersecurity. Have you taken a record of your company’s vulnerabilities? Below are some of the top cybersecurity risks that may threaten your business.

Malicious Software

Otherwise known as “malware,” this type of cyber attack can allow certain unauthorized actions. There are several ways in which hackers can deploy these cyber attacks. Some of the most common forms are viruses, worms, and trojan horses.

  • A virus is a code deployed to attack specific programs, files, or operating systems.
  • A worm is a malware that directly infects a system and programs.
  • A trojan horse is a scam in which malware is hidden through an application or certain downloads.


Also known as malware, viruses can directly harm your system’s hardware. In addition, certain computer viruses can damage programs or even go as far as deleting or stealing data. While there are several ways to get a computer virus, some of the most common methods include downloading a harmful application or visiting an infected site.

If you have downloaded a virus, you may notice data is missing or your computer is not running as fast as usual. You will also find an increase in pop-up windows, breached accounts, and slowed network speed.


This cybersecurity threat can be dangerous, especially for a small business. Typically, it is when a hacker holds a company’s information for ransom. This information can include bank numbers, credit card information, files, or other data for small businesses. 

Usually, these ransomware security threats do not last long. Once the ransom is paid, the threats disappear permanently. Generally, ransomware can spread through emails, networks, and targets. Small businesses may have a smaller budget for security, and they can become the target of hackers. In these situations, hackers tend to gather information easily from these entities.


Phishing is a cybersecurity attack in which a hacker or cybercriminal attempts to steal personal information. This information can include bank information, social security numbers, passwords, and more. Oftentimes, these security threats come through emails or text messages.

Small business employees can be caught up in phishing cyber threats after clicking on certain pop-ups or emails on their work computers because they look benign and could pass as normal company communication. While it may seem legitimate at the time, it often leads to cybersecurity breaches which increase the security risks.

Password Hacking

One of the main reasons many workplaces require you to change your password every couple of months is password hacking. This is one of the main ways that information gets leaked. 

For companies with many employees, it is important to require complex passwords to limit the chance of accounts getting breached. Simple and easily guessable passwords are one easy way for hackers to get information.

Social Engineering

This is a technique that hackers commonly use. It is when they trick people into giving up sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and social security numbers by emulating a trusted source from your company or personal life. 

Avoiding Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats evolve frequently and can be challenging to deal with. However, there are ways to be proactive and avoid these threats before they even threaten the system. Here are some methods you can utilize to prevent cybersecurity breaches from occurring.

  • Employee training: Offering employee training on how to deal with cybersecurity issues can be key. Training to avoid phishing emails and malware can help employees better understand security risks.
  • IT Teams: Even as a small business, you can set up a small IT team with the expertise to help you fight off specific cybersecurity attacks. With just a couple of people working towards security and protection, you can help protect data and prevent breaches.
  • Outsource Your IT Team: If your company does not have expertise in cybersecurity, consider outsourcing your security to a third-party company, like We Solve Problems.
  • Security Measures: Other security measures, such as certain software protection programs, can help detect threats before they occur. 

Overall, prevention is better than dealing with the aftermath of a cybersecurity breach. Taking preliminary measures to ensure hardware and software safety will help avoid issues that can arise. If you are not a cybersecurity expert, be sure to hire the right professionals to assist your company. Working with a managed IT provider, such as We Solve Problems, can save you time and headaches. Implement a cybersecurity plan today. Contact We Solve Problems here.

it support for law firms is beneficial
Managed IT Services

IT Support Guide for Law Firms

Regardless of your industry, businesses always try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology. However, information technology (IT) is often overlooked, and many companies may need to consider having the right strategies in place. 

Information technology is constantly evolving, and many small businesses need help staying on top of things. This is why IT support for small businesses, especially law firms, can be incredibly beneficial.

Keep reading to learn more about IT support for law firms, or contact the professionals from We Solve Problems IT!

IT Evolution for Law Firms

Information technology is applicable to large businesses and critical for small businesses, including law firms. IT has helped firms keep their cases organized and information safe and secure within the legal industry, which can also help customers achieve their goals when it comes to law.


For decades, a lot of IT work was done primarily on desktops, especially for law firms. However, modern laptops have quickly replaced old desktops, particularly after 2020. Not only are these devices faster, but they can expand how law firms do business. Nowadays, many law firms are using these laptops to get more work done securely and remotely.


In addition to switching to laptops, law firms require robust and reliable networks to manage a modern workflow. Secure internet connectivity is key to protecting data while connecting with outside vendors and clients. 


While your law firm may have been doing a good job keeping up with client demands that require information exchange, your data needs to be secure. Data Centers or cloud storage options can both be implemented securely to protect your and your clients’ data.


In addition to safeguards for data, servers are a great way to stay connected to information through technology. Usually, these servers are kept in these data centers to provide IT solutions for your firm.

Support Teams

Support teams are another part of the evolving IT world that has benefited law firms. Through IT support, firms have direct access to professionals to resolve IT issues whenever they need them.

Compliance That You Should Consider

There are many things that law firms need to take into consideration before choosing an IT team to partner with or bring in-house. One of the main things is compliance. Law firms have many responsibilities toward their clients, including protecting data. Firms can do this by meeting specific IT compliance requirements.

To better understand what compliance issues your firm may face and a strategy to combat any gaps, consider reaching out to We Solve Problems IT.

Data Sharing

Handling sensitive information is crucial for law firms. Transferring data from one place to another without extra security can leave that data vulnerable. However, IT support can encrypt the data to prevent theft. 

Incident Response Plan

Incidents can occur even if you roll out a robust plan for securing your data. Your managed IT company can help develop a response plan, and your firm should have it in place to proactively combat when an issue occurs. If you need help with a response plan, consider reaching out to an IT professional for assistance.

GDPR Compliance

GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation. This law outlines an organization’s requirements to safeguard its data appropriately. GDPR is one form of compliance that your law firm needs to consider when securing its data.

IT Support for Your Law Firm

Now you know what issues could affect your law firm regarding technology and cybersecurity and some steps that can be taken to protect your data and ensure your IT is compliant. When looking for an IT professional to help your law firm, consider some of the following needs.

Cloud Services

Cloud services can be very beneficial for a law firm. Moving data to the cloud can boost overall productivity. In fact, it allows everyone on your law team to access files and communicate. Working in the Cloud makes data organization and access much more manageable and reduces your server maintenance costs and risks. Consider asking about the cloud services IT teams offer when deciding who to choose.


It is crucial to back up data. In the event of a disaster, backups are all that prevent you from losing all copies of your vital documents. IT service teams can help you organize and store your data while ensuring that it is backed up frequently to avoid issues. In the event of data loss, your IT team can restore the latest backup to your system.

Clients also count on you to keep their data safe. Backups can help you retain client information so your operations can continue running with minimal hiccups. 


Disasters happen. While it is not ideal, having a recovery plan is crucial for when these issues occur. IT teams and service providers can help create a comprehensive plan to safeguard the information that needs to be kept safe and secure.

Remote Monitoring

When you work with a managed IT team, they can remotely monitor your law firm’s data and IT issues. Your IT team can check on the status of your servers and networks around the clock regardless of location and, most importantly, provide assistance almost immediately. By partnering with a managed IT company, you can often avoid the costs of hiring and training an in-house team. 

Get IT Support For Your Law Firm Today

Now we have established the following regarding IT technology: 

  • IT continues to evolve 
  • All companies, regardless of size, are vulnerable to cyber threats
  • Compliance can vary between industries 
  • There are more effective ways to share data
  • All sensitive data must be secured

It is essential to have technological safeguards in place to ensure that your company can continue to operate day-to-day. And the great thing is that you do not have to do it alone. Whether your firm lacks a dedicated IT team or your IT team needs additional assistance, consider getting a free consultation with We Solve Problems IT to learn more about their industry-tailored solutions.
Get in touch with one of the best by contacting them online or calling 310-998-7070 to get an appointment.

An MSP can help with CMMC compliance

What Is CMMC and How Will It Impact Your Organization?

Many businesses have critical data that needs to be protected. This sensitive data frequently undergoes backup and finds storage on a network or hard drive, with multiple security measures in place. As a result, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) created a program called the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) to establish a standardized model to certify a company’s level of security compliance.

This certification is critical to those companies which work directly with the DoD.  For more than 300,000 companies that are part of the federal supply chain, the CMMC certifies security levels to enable these partnerships. The CMMC ensures that these contractors secure sensitive information similarly to the United States government or other large organizations for more effective partnerships.

However, CMMC requirements are subject to change. There is a temporary five-year phase-in period. During this time, CMMC compliance is only required for certain government contracts. Regardless, the CMMC has a significant impact on many organizations and businesses. Keep reading to learn more about how CMMC and how We Solve Problems IT can help your organization!

The Purpose of CMMC

Before understanding how the CMMC will help your business, it is important to understand its purpose. In 2017, the DoD mandated many contractors to complete a Plan of Actions and Milestones as well as a System Security Plan. The purpose was to assess their cybersecurity according to NIST 800-171 standards.

By 2019 the regulations were not being met, so the DoD commissioned new standards in response. These new standards are now known as the CMMC. Before this, contractors had to implement their own standards for storing data and generating their own protective services. Put simply, the CMMC introduced standards for data classification and security, assessed by a third-party for compliance.

Why is it Important?

The CMMC is important for two main reasons: compliance and certification. First, it establishes several security guidelines for companies to meet. Since technology is constantly evolving, IT needs to advance along with it — with that comes updates to CMMC compliance standards. IT professionals are better able to keep up with these evolving standards.

Maintaining CMMC compliance increases a company’s protection against cyber threats. The DoD continually assesses cybersecurity attack vectors in order to build the specific standards and regulations clearly outlined in the CMMC and protect all parties.

Second, CMMC allows companies to be certified as trustworthy vendors, which can remove roadblocks to DoD contracts. The federal government needs to be able to rely on its vendors to protect sensitive information regarding the government and its affairs, whether domestic or foreign.  

How Does This Impact Businesses?

The CMMC helps keep compliance when it comes to cyber security. In fact, the CMMC has directly impacted contractors in two ways. The primary impact is the enforcement of regulated standards for data security. This takes the guesswork out of having to create your own structures for cybersecurity. 

The second impact is financial. In order to work with the DoD, defense contractors are required to engage a third party to complete this CMMC assessment. In order to certify security compliance, businesses may face higher costs.

The CMMC can be a barrier when it comes to money. Small businesses and organizations cannot always afford to invest in the necessary technology. And without the necessary technology, companies may not have optimal security in place to compete in federal contracts. 

Luckily, there are several different levels of CMMC compliance: targeting the correct level for your engagement can help reduce costs for companies with lower compliance requirements. This helps mitigate costs overall.

Preparation for Your Organization

Now that you have a better understanding of CMMC and its impact on your business, it is important to know how it can directly affect you. While the finalized guidelines are not public, contractors must be ready to deal with certain things. These things typically include:

  • Ensuring the organization has a full understanding of its current cybersecurity standing. This also includes reviewing the cybersecurity in place alongside certain compliance such as NIST 800-171. This also includes completing a self-assessment so that businesses know where they can make improvements when it comes to security.
  • Updating current security measures is also standard practice when meeting DoD standards. Certain CMMC requirements may have already been met, so organizations can leverage this when looking to meet CMMC requirements.
  • Certain operational risk is inevitable. However, cloud-based managed services can help organizations prevent this risk and become CMMC compliant.

We Solve Problems Can Help with Compliance

At this point, you have seen the benefits of CMMC compliance. You can use it to better your organization when you understand how to prepare for implementation and how it can impact your business. However, there is one place in particular where you can begin your search for someone who can help you with full compliance. 

If you’re ready to start your CMMC compliance journey, We Solve Problems IT is here to help. Simply contact them online or call 310-998-7070 to get in touch with the team!

working with a managed it service provider has benefits
Managed IT Services

6 Benefits of Working With a Managed IT Service Provider

Since 2020, businesses have dramatically changed the way they operate. New technology has become essential to running a business, whether it is remotely from home or in an office building. 

Regardless of the work model, businesses have learned that they need to manage their IT infrastructure effectively. Some companies have opted to beef up their IT team, while others have chosen to work alongside a reputable managed IT service provider. Both paths can increase the efficiency of operations, and sometimes companies need both. 

We Solve Problems IT is one of the LA area’s top managed IT service providers (MSPs). They provide businesses with an array of technological and operational benefits. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of working with a managed IT service provider!

Predictable Costs for IT Services

While many businesses choose to hire an in-house team for their IT services, this can be costly. For a small business, hiring in-house is typically out of the picture. However, many companies can avoid higher expenses by working alongside an MSP. Managed IT services allow companies to work on a subscription basis, which offers more predictable upfront IT cost. 

Managed IT offers additional advantages compared to non-subscription, outsourced break/fix IT (where a business reaches out to IT only when issues arise). The subscription model incentivizes an MSP to find value for you, and they will proactively identify issues before they impact your business.

While it can seem daunting to choose from several cost options, there are simple ways to go about it. Subscription-based services are packaged deals that may work for your business needs. These packages might be more cost-effective for your organization but may offer limited customization. Most MSPs provide free consultations. We recommend taking advantage of these consultations to review services and find a plan that works best for you and your company. Typically, these services include system updates, maintaining security, reducing the cost of hardware, and more!

Enhanced Productivity

Since many businesses have begun to rely heavily on technology, it is vital to understand the impact of strategic technology use. Not only can technology help businesses perform everyday activities, but you can streamline operations as well. To optimize processes and maintain productivity, companies should look to implement IT infrastructure that is both proactive and reactive. IT issues can lead to system downtime, costing businesses money. 

When systems go down, productivity goes down. A managed IT service provider, such as We Solve Problems, can help manage and enhance productivity in the workplace in a myriad of ways. We Solve Problems implements all the technological safeguards required to secure your business. They also offer 24/7 remote monitoring of your systems and networks to ensure minimal downtime. Furthermore, when your employees need IT assistance, We Solve Problems is ready to respond and provide viable solutions. With a team like We Solve Problems in your corner, you know that your team has the right resources and support to work optimally every day. 

IT Security Improvements

Another reason working with a managed IT service provider can be so beneficial is the overall security improvements. Since small businesses are especially susceptible to cybersecurity threats, there must be proper protocols to deal with any type of vulnerability that occurs. This will minimize damage as well as decrease the risks that come with online security.

An experienced managed IT service provider can help your business avoid cybercriminal attacks. They can also prevent malware from entering networks, resolve issues, and block hackers. Doing so will protect your business’s sensitive information and eliminate security issues. Your managed IT service provider constantly monitors advanced technology systems to ensure you stay protected.

Support From Experts

When it comes to running a small business, making money is crucial. Every penny counts. With that said, constant IT issues can rack up a lot of costs. In fact, it can even lead to a loss of revenue, reputation, and lead to stressed employees. 

Many small businesses partner with a managed IT service provider to avoid this. By doing this, the provider gives the company a point of contact. This allows business owners and employees to get in touch with experts to answer any IT questions.

If an IT issue occurs, it needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. This will also prevent the development of any long-term problems. Luckily, many service providers are there around the clock to ensure that the businesses they work with get the support they need.


Managed IT service providers offer various services to their clients, including more than just monitoring networks. They often help businesses implement security plans, incident response plans, and cybersecurity protocols for added protection. Another popular service is cloud-based services.

The cloud allows businesses to store and access important data and tools when needed. This lowers the maintenance cost and risks to crucial data associated with physical servers owned by the business

New Technology

New technology is also crucial for businesses. Since technology is constantly evolving, companies often must keep up with the changing market. However, many businesses fall behind when it comes to keeping up with technology. Luckily, managed IT service providers give companies direct access to new technology they may not have otherwise and can help organizations pick the best-updated technology for their needs.

Contact a Managed IT Service Provider in LA

At this point, you have seen how beneficial managed IT service providers can be to your small business. However, it is also essential to consider the long-term benefits these service providers can give you. While each may operate slightly differently, they can all benefit your business directly. To get in touch with a top-notch team of managed IT service providers, contact We Solve Problems IT today!

Managed IT Services

7 Common IT Issues for Small Businesses

Tech issues can vary in severity and impact your company’s productivity. Whether you are a practice owner or a small business owner, you will inevitably encounter some sort of common IT issue while executing your day-to-day tasks. Unfortunately, technology isn’t perfect, and businesses may face technological challenges from time to time.

Information technology is one of the most critical aspects of any business. When used correctly, it can provide extensive support, security, and insight for guidance. However, if misused, a lot of potential issues can arise. Therefore, learning to deal with IT issues is crucial while running a small business.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the most common IT issues companies can experience and how to avoid them!

Potential IT Issues Companies Can Face

Below are the top seven IT issues that small businesses can encounter daily. There are also a variety of short-term problems that can cause long-term issues if they are not addressed early on. While it may be more costly upfront, taking proactive measures to avoid these problems is worth it in the long run.

Poor Network Security

One of the biggest problems facing small businesses is poor security. Small and medium-sized businesses have just as much critical information as large corporations. Typically, this data contains personal information about the company, profits, employees, and clients. When dealing with sensitive information, it is vital to keep it private and safe. 

The emergence of more sophisticated hacking and bots has increased the potential for system breaches and stolen data. Small businesses can be easier targets for hackers since their cybersecurity measures often aren’t as robust as bigger corporations. However, this is why ensuring you have a safe and secure network is essential.

No Professional Experience

Many small businesses do not have access to their very own IT department, and that’s alright. Luckily, there are plenty of great options for IT, such as outsourcing to an MSP. If you do not have the experience, you can get an experienced IT manager to help keep your business safe.

Hiring a small internal IT team can be a great alternative if you decide not to outsource your technological needs. However, you want to make sure you hire a team with experience, who are prepared to address any potential issues.

Many companies find that hiring an internal IT team can be challenging if they have limited experience in IT to begin with. In this case, you can use either tech recruiters or outsourced IT to fill this role.

No Backups

Backing up data is important. Forgetting to back up data or cutting costs with minimal backups can be extremely expensive in the long run. Investing in a system is paramount to the security of your data. Even with a small business, it’s important to ensure that you are manually doing frequent backups. Your IT department can also set up automatic backups to avoid potential issues.

No Disaster Recovery Plan

Unforeseen things can occur at any time. Due to this, having a strategic plan in place to combat these issues is key. By designing and implementing a plan with your IT department ahead of time, you can avoid catastrophic damage from happening on your watch.

Cost of Technology

One of the biggest reasons small businesses avoid facing their IT issues is the cost of technology — it can be very expensive. To circumvent the costs, many small businesses will invest in older tech or no tech at all. While this can work for a short time, it is not a sustainable business practice. It is better to spend a bit of money upfront to protect your business long term. 

Lots of Rapid Change

Technology has evolved substantially in the last couple of years. That leads to many users feeling left behind, confused, or with questions. Many small businesses may have employees who struggle to do tasks that require new technology. Providing and attending classes is one step in the right direction regarding keeping up with technology. Another solution can be to invest in an IT department, or a managed IT service provider who can provide support and education. 

Annoyed Users

Like the rapid growth and change of technology, interacting with tech can annoy many people. Whether they are struggling to learn something or waiting for a page to load, technology can be frustrating. However, keeping your tech up to date is a great way to ensure quicker response times and happier employees.

Every employee will have different comfort levels when it comes to using a particular technology. This can cause annoyance and issues with the rest of your staff. But thankfully, offering classes or training can help with potential employee issues.

How to Avoid These Common IT Problems

Technological issues may feel inevitable; however, with certain protective measures in place, you can rest assured that you have done everything possible to secure your technology and data. Here are some things you can do today to protect your small business from IT issues:

  1. Invest in a safe network
  2. Create and update IT plans
  3. Hold frequent training for employees and workers
  4. Outsource your IT department
  5. Invest in new technology

By following the steps outlined above, you can prevent IT issues within your small business. In addition, doing so helps keep your business running smoothly, so you can focus on continuing to grow your company.

Outsource with We Solve Problems IT

If you and your company do not have expertise in information technology or cybersecurity, consider partnering with We Solve Problems IT. Based in Los Angeles, WSP has over 15 years of IT experience and success in helping businesses of all sizes regain control of their IT infrastructure, data, and technological devices. Reach out today to learn more about how WSP combats these everyday problems for their clients and get your free evaluation.

Managed IT Services Network Server Management

10 Questions to Ask Your Managed IT Services Provider

There are a variety of managed IT services as well as Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs). If you are interested in hiring an MSP for your business’s technology needs, you need to know what you are getting into. Similar to any hiring process, there are several key things to learn before hiring an MSP.

It is essential to ask specific questions to gain as much insight as possible. This includes asking the MSP about their services, security and more. While each provider may differ slightly in their answers, there are certain aspects to look for in these answers.

Keep reading to learn how to make a good decision about the best MSP for you!

How do you structure your pricing?

Many MSPs will probably have similar pricing for similar services. Therefore, it is important to figure out what your budget is and which services are most important for you and your business. You will want to know if there is a down payment, if all costs are paid upfront, whether or not you are billed monthly, or if there are different options for billing frequency. This will give you an idea of what you are getting yourself into financially.

What pricing do you offer?

Going off the pricing structure, you want to determine if your potential MSP will offer customized pricing for the services you need. Many successful MSPs will offer pricing that varies based specifically on the needs of your business. This flexibility is important when deciding on an MSP.

Is there an option to co-manage?

A lot of companies have their own IT departments. If you go with a managed it service, you can outsource your IT department to another company. However, that does not mean you cannot keep internal IT staff. In fact, it may be beneficial to have an IT person on your team co-manage alongside your MSP to ensure there is consistency in the work.

What security do you have in place?

When it comes to technology and data, security is one of the top things you should be worried about. You will want to figure out how the MSP plans to protect your data and information. Their cybersecurity measures benefit both parties.

What insight can you get me?

Insight into different networks is essential. You will want to ensure that your MSP values accuracy and can give you transparent answers to all your needs or questions.

Do you recommend any hardware or software in particular?

Not only should your service provider be using the best hardware and software, but they should also be able to recommend some for you. In addition, they should want their clients to have the best technology to ensure protection, safety, and functionality.

Is there a service-level agreement?

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a direct contract between the MSP and the client that guarantees the provider will be spending dedicated quality time with the client and their business. This may seem small, but you want to ensure this is in place before you begin work to ensure that there are direct measures to get you what you need as the client. Be sure to come to an agreement on things such as availability, guaranteed response times, and items in-scope vs out-of-scope.

How often is the contract renewed?

The contract you sign to begin working with your MSP does not last forever. Generally, they are renewed annually. The first time you sign on with a managed IT service, you may want to opt for a one-year contract. However, after officially testing the MSP for a year, you will want to negotiate a longer-term contract.

What accreditations does the company have?

A company that has certain skill levels or completed certain programs is generally more reputable than one that has less experience. Some certifications and accreditations are worth more than others. Consider asking your MSP about their experience and credentials.

Can I talk to someone who has already worked with you?

One way to ensure customer happiness is to talk to a previous client of the MSP; this can provide insight into what the client liked or did not like and whether or not they chose to stay. Typically, your MSP should provide you with a client who is open and honest about the service quality of the MSP.

Next Steps in the Selection of an MSP

Now that you know what to ask, you will want to begin searching for an MSP that will be great for you. You may want to consider starting a list and calling one by one to get started in your search. However, before signing a contract, make sure you compare a couple of MSPs and their answers to the questions above!

Contact We Solve Problems IT

If you need a reliable MSP that is up to date with their technology and can provide you with valuable technology insights for years to come, consider contacting We Solve Problems IT. They have over 15 years of combined experience in the field and have served many happy clients in the Los Angeles area. Take your questions to WSP today and inquire about managed IT services for your growing business.

Managed IT Services Network Server Management

Why Your Organization Needs Managed IT Services

Managed IT services are some of the best ways for businesses to cut costs when it comes to technology. Hiring a managed IT service provider (MSP) can cut costs for your business and make it more efficient. Not only can these services be incredibly helpful, but many providers offer various services to meet your unique needs as a business.

Whether you are considering starting a business or have one up and running, you will need to invest some money and time into building an IT team. That said, managed IT services can be a great way to save money and time for your company’s tech. 

Read on to discover more about managed IT services and how they can directly benefit your business!

What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT services are typically used by small businesses that may not have an in-house IT team to manage their technology and IT needs. They offer their services at a flat rate to help a company with its tech needs, such as protecting its network, backing up data, and troubleshooting issues that arise. It is a convenient way to get IT support without hiring an entire team to work in-house.

This type of outsourcing provides small businesses with the support they need regarding technology. Generally, these managed IT service providers have teams that work together alongside a small business to create a package and a plan that works well for that business’s needs. They will help manage day-to-day issues, prevent long-term problems, and troubleshoot when necessary.

Pros and Cons of Managed IT Services

Like any service, there are pros and cons of managed IT services. Before deciding on whether or not to hire an outsourced IT service, consider the following:


  1. Consistent Monitoring: IT service teams will work directly with you to monitor your systems. This helps prevent security breaches and allows them to track data.
  2. Technology: While this does not apply to all providers, some of them will supply your business with devices and the right network. This is a benefit you can’t overlook due to the high cost of choosing and buying technology today. 
  3. Expertise: It can be expensive to put together a team of IT managers. Luckily, sourcing a team from a service provider gets you access to experts for an affordable price. These experts have typically worked for years on IT issues and can directly work alongside you and your team to serve your needs as a business.
  4. Cost: Compared to hiring in-house support, managed IT can be very cost-effective. 


  1. Remote Support: While outsourcing your IT services has many benefits; you may feel the repercussion of not having an in-person IT team. There are times when there will be conflicts with scheduling and meeting times due to the lack of physical presence. These service providers may not be local to your area, meaning virtual meetings are the only option.
  2. Different Cost Models: It’s important to evaluate the costs associated with outsourcing your IT with the time and expenses required to maintain a robust team in house. There may be upfront fees when partnering with an MSP; as well as ongoing contracts that need to be renewed. Consider what you can afford to pay while looking at the packages service providers offer. 

Why You Need Managed IT Services

For most businesses, the pros of managed IT services outweigh the cons. Here are additional benefits to keep in mind as you consider whether or not you need to consider managed IT services.


Having expert tech support can be a win for any business. Many businesses hire in-house IT experts. While this can seem beneficial, it can be costly and not always worthwhile. Managed IT service providers can work just as quickly and efficiently as an in-house team. 

There are around-the-clock providers available for assistance at any time. Many service providers offer teams of IT tech experts to continuously monitor your business network and work alongside you to ensure everything runs effectively and smoothly. 


MSPs know all the ins and outs of their industry and keep up to date with emerging changes. They are highly knowledgeable about a variety of technology, which means that they can offer root-cause solutions and informed recommendations about the best tech, software, and processes for their clients. 


When it comes to services, many people want to know what they are getting. This is something that you will be getting when you hire a service provider. Costs and services are presented upfront so you know exactly what your service provider will be doing and how much it will cost. 


Security is a big issue when it comes to technology. Protecting your network is one of the most important things you can do. Managed IT services make this their priority  . Not only will they protect you from security breaches, but they can also protect your data, benefiting you and your business in the long term.

Partner with a Managed IT Service Provider

Technology is necessary to build a successful business. However, not everyone is an expert when it comes to technology use. There are a lot of people who need support. This is where managed IT service providers like We Solve Problems come into play. Working alongside WSP offers direct access to experts who can enhance your knowledge while helping maintain your business. Reach out to WSP IT to get started with your technology assessment today.

Managed IT Services

What Are Managed IT Services?

Technology is used by almost everyone nowadays. However, when issues arise, who do you turn to? In the business world, most businesses have an in-house or outsourced (“managed”) form of IT services to help with their technology needs. It is essential to understand what these managed IT services are and how to benefit from them.

You could benefit from managed IT services if you run a small business. Read on to learn more about how you can benefit from these services!

What are These Services?

Put simply, managed IT services are a way to outsource your IT department. This may be a more affordable option than hiring an in-house IT department. This third party handles technology tasks for specific businesses. In a lot of cases, companies have an internal team that collaborates with an MSP, too. Supplementing your IT force can be beneficial if you are trying to scale your business.

Typically, a team of technology experts works together for a certain business to reduce costs and manage day-to-day issues that arise. External companies that supply these teams of IT experts are known as Managed Service Providers (MSPs). 

What are MSPs Used for?

An MSP is a team that is hired by companies or organizations when they decide to outsource their IT team. These teams are typically cost-effective and an excellent solution for small businesses looking to protect their data. In addition to that, these teams work alongside an organization to meet its specific IT needs. 

Important Managed IT Services

When you hire an MSP, it is important to look into what they offer. Each organization may do things differently, meaning it is crucial to define your company’s needs ahead of time. However, there are some standard beneficial services to look for when looking to hire a managed IT service:

  • Support – Support from your IT team is critical. If you are outsourcing, it is important to have trust in your team to do what is best for your business. One of the most important things to consider is how quickly and efficiently they can identify and solve problems. Long term, this will avoid more extensive issues that can be detrimental and costly.
  • Data Security – Any security issues or threats can be dangerous. Not only do businesses keep confidential information regarding money, resources, and the business, but they also keep data on their employees. Due to this, it is important to find a team that prioritizes data security and can avoid threats.
  • Data Backup – One of the most important things to do as your business grows is to collect and save data. However, to protect this data, it needs to be backed up frequently. Therefore, hiring an IT team to back up data to a safe source consistently is important.
  • Onsite Support – While many technical issues can be fixed remotely, having direct onsite support from your IT team can be beneficial.

How to Know if you Need Managed IT Services

At this point, you have seen that MSPs can benefit you and your small business. However, how do you know if you really need these services? Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself to get a better idea of what will benefit you long-term:

  • Is your current IT team doing an adequate job?
  • Are you overpaying for IT and technology needs?
  • Do you have an IT plan in place?
  • Is your data protected and backed up regularly?

While these are not the only important questions, they can guide you towards the right answer when it comes to deciding to outsource your IT department. 

Work With a Managed Service Provider

If you require a managed IT service provider, or if you have any questions about integrating these services into your business model, give We Solve Problems IT a call today. WSP provides each business with a strategy to meet its individual needs when it comes to IT and cyber security. Reach out to learn more today.

Network Server Management

Why You Should Hire a Professional WiFi Installation Company to Set Up Your Network

Technology has, inarguably, changed the way we do business. Companies today can operate with high speed, get more customers, serve more people worldwide, and improve their services or product quality, all thanks to technology. On the downside, a poorly designed technological infrastructure can become a liability that can sink a business. This is particularly true with wireless networking. Considering reliable WiFi is now as vital as running water. It can be critical to the overall performance of your business’s wireless networking infrastructure. That is why you need the help of a professional WiFi Installation Company to help set it up for you.

Why Hire An Expert Managed WiFi Installation Company?

To remain competitive, especially with the ongoing pandemic, your business needs a fast and secure network infrastructure. But even large IT teams have trouble keeping up with the plethora of changes that impact wireless networks. The world that we live in now is rapidly changing, and you need a digital infrastructure to withstand this transformation.

If your organization is big enough to have in-house wireless networking specialists, then you are good. However, given that wireless networking skills (as a career specialization), are extremely rare amongst most companies, this could be quite a challenge.

Your WiFi’s availability, security, and performance are critical to your business continuity, reputation, and of course, profitability. 

Hiring a WiFi installation company will take the complexity out of the whole process if you don’t have in-house IT teams. For example, at We Solve Problems, we wrap up all of the wireless networking hardware, managed network services, and software into one monthly subscription cost.

In addition to installing your WiFi, we can handle your WiFi design process that’s a time-consuming and expensive endeavor. Working with a WiFi installation company will mean:

  • You don’t have to hire your own team of expensive professionals for designing, installing, configuring, and managing your wireless networking system
  • You don’t have to spend months researching what WiFi hardware you need to buy
  • You don’t have to pick the “right” combination of WiFi management software

If your WiFi’s speed and security are crucial to your organization, make sure you choose a WiFi installation company that has the necessary expertise and a successful track record.

Why We Are Los Angeles’ #1 WiFi Installation Company

We Solve Problems has assembled a team of highly trained and certified wireless networking specialists.

While installing a customized WiFi network, we use a predictive RF (radio frequency) design. We model your wireless networking environment, so you have a network design that’s specifically optimized for your capacity and coverage needs.

We also perform an on-site WiFi site survey to help you gain invaluable insight into your WiFi performance. Installing WiFi is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing for us; we continuously monitor your network and update the software to protect your company from the risks of outdated WiFi.

Contact We Solve Problems For Customized WiFi Design and Installation

Now that you know the benefits of hiring a managed WiFi partner, you can get started on improving the overall performance of your business’s wireless networking infrastructure. To book a wireless design consultation with We Solve Problems, call us at 310-998-7070 or leave us a message online.