6 Cybersecurity Risks for Small Companies

cybersecurity risks for small businesses should be addressed

6 Cybersecurity Risks for Small Companies

All small businesses are going to face some cybersecurity risks. Hackers often target small companies due to a lack of cybersecurity protocols, which can be impacted by budgetary restraints. This increased threat profile is one of the main reasons small businesses need to be prepared. In addition, it is crucial to understand why the company is vulnerable if there is a security breach.

If you run a small business, creating plans and increasing security is vital to help decrease the chance of security breaches. However, the first step to making these plans is knowing what cybersecurity risks currently threaten your small business.

Top Cybersecurity Risks

Risks vary from company to company, and specific industries may need more robust cybersecurity. Have you taken a record of your company’s vulnerabilities? Below are some of the top cybersecurity risks that may threaten your business.

Malicious Software

Otherwise known as “malware,” this type of cyber attack can allow certain unauthorized actions. There are several ways in which hackers can deploy these cyber attacks. Some of the most common forms are viruses, worms, and trojan horses.

  • A virus is a code deployed to attack specific programs, files, or operating systems.
  • A worm is a malware that directly infects a system and programs.
  • A trojan horse is a scam in which malware is hidden through an application or certain downloads.


Also known as malware, viruses can directly harm your system’s hardware. In addition, certain computer viruses can damage programs or even go as far as deleting or stealing data. While there are several ways to get a computer virus, some of the most common methods include downloading a harmful application or visiting an infected site.

If you have downloaded a virus, you may notice data is missing or your computer is not running as fast as usual. You will also find an increase in pop-up windows, breached accounts, and slowed network speed.


This cybersecurity threat can be dangerous, especially for a small business. Typically, it is when a hacker holds a company’s information for ransom. This information can include bank numbers, credit card information, files, or other data for small businesses. 

Usually, these ransomware security threats do not last long. Once the ransom is paid, the threats disappear permanently. Generally, ransomware can spread through emails, networks, and targets. Small businesses may have a smaller budget for security, and they can become the target of hackers. In these situations, hackers tend to gather information easily from these entities.


Phishing is a cybersecurity attack in which a hacker or cybercriminal attempts to steal personal information. This information can include bank information, social security numbers, passwords, and more. Oftentimes, these security threats come through emails or text messages.

Small business employees can be caught up in phishing cyber threats after clicking on certain pop-ups or emails on their work computers because they look benign and could pass as normal company communication. While it may seem legitimate at the time, it often leads to cybersecurity breaches which increase the security risks.

Password Hacking

One of the main reasons many workplaces require you to change your password every couple of months is password hacking. This is one of the main ways that information gets leaked. 

For companies with many employees, it is important to require complex passwords to limit the chance of accounts getting breached. Simple and easily guessable passwords are one easy way for hackers to get information.

Social Engineering

This is a technique that hackers commonly use. It is when they trick people into giving up sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and social security numbers by emulating a trusted source from your company or personal life. 

Avoiding Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats evolve frequently and can be challenging to deal with. However, there are ways to be proactive and avoid these threats before they even threaten the system. Here are some methods you can utilize to prevent cybersecurity breaches from occurring.

  • Employee training: Offering employee training on how to deal with cybersecurity issues can be key. Training to avoid phishing emails and malware can help employees better understand security risks.
  • IT Teams: Even as a small business, you can set up a small IT team with the expertise to help you fight off specific cybersecurity attacks. With just a couple of people working towards security and protection, you can help protect data and prevent breaches.
  • Outsource Your IT Team: If your company does not have expertise in cybersecurity, consider outsourcing your security to a third-party company, like We Solve Problems.
  • Security Measures: Other security measures, such as certain software protection programs, can help detect threats before they occur. 

Overall, prevention is better than dealing with the aftermath of a cybersecurity breach. Taking preliminary measures to ensure hardware and software safety will help avoid issues that can arise. If you are not a cybersecurity expert, be sure to hire the right professionals to assist your company. Working with a managed IT provider, such as We Solve Problems, can save you time and headaches. Implement a cybersecurity plan today. Contact We Solve Problems here.